Tuesday 28 March 2023

Prospects for cheap and abundant energy.

Hypothetical: Say I discovered cold fusion and worried about how to execute. What are the political, technological, economic ramifications to consider?

With abundant and cheap energy, the availability of world resources will exponentially increase, and more will be made available for research and development in science and technology resulting in incredible and unthinkable breakthroughs for the benefit of mankind. Solutions will be found for intractable problems in the environmental and ecological spheres and mankind will explore and colonise the solar system within a few decades and be a spacefaring race in a couple of generations.

From a political point of view, vested interests who benefit from scarcity of energy supplies and the resultant ever escalating soaring prices will fight tooth and nail to keep competing cheap energy sources such as cold fusion from becoming exposed. They have been allegedly known in the past to resort to threats, intimidation, bribery and if nothing works to even resort to murder of inventors, promoters and entrepreneurs in breakthrough and viable alternative energy technologies. Historically this has been a major impediment to progress in this field and from a conventional point of view appears to be insurmountable. However, from an unconventional point of view thanks to the internet and modern communications a would-be inventor in this field can simply release all the pertinent information, including technical diagrams, the science and theory and instructions for making the prototype of the device on the internet with as many links as possible on as many forums as possible. This way maximum publicity is generated, and the relevant information is in the public domain and thus renders the vested interests impotent to carry out their nefarious plans! The only remuneration for the would-be inventor of this would be having a Patreon type of donation system supplemented by sponsored advertising. Also, universal fame (and fortune) will follow by going through this route of getting this technology safely in the public domain.

A more detailed reasoning can be found at the following link:

World of Free Energy

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